Monday, October 29, 2012

Gary Allan(:

Gary Allan Herzberg was born December 5, 1967.
This country music star was born and raised in La Mirada, California. Gary Allan started off selling cars. He got big because he left his demo tape in a glove box. The couple wrote him a 12,000 dollar check and he was able to go to the recording studios in Nashville.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Don't Take Life For Granted!

One day everyone is gonna look back and see that every song has its own meaning. And to me and many other people the quotes that you can pull out of country music are relaxing. Quotes are what shaped our world today. The quote below by Trace Atkins is a very meaningful quote because the people around my age are still in high school, still young. We will all look back and probably miss these days, and wish they could happen again. You can only be a kid once, so live it while you can.
Growing up went by so fast but the quotes of country singers and country music it tought us how to live the best lives bein' raised in the boots & the mud(:
Country Quotes to some people are their inspiration, me being one of the examples, as well as others and I can highly connect with a lot of the lyrics from these country quotes.
People make websites for country lyrics for quotes to keep traditions alive.
Posting such thing could keep catching peoples attention so that they can keep the country alive.
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
                -Trace Atkins